Account users with Admin rights have the ability to enable other users in Intellispark. Once the roster integration has taken place with your Student Information System (SIS), every staff person currently in the product will appear in the User list, but they won't have access to Intellispark until they have been invited by an Admin. To enable new staff users, Admins should access the gear icon at the top right hand corner of the site and use the drop down menu to access the User page. Before inviting a new user, be sure to assign them to the desired Access level (see below for details). Click <<Send Invitation>> to invite staff members to activate their accounts.
Guidance for assigning access level: Every staff person will have a role. That Intellispark role isn't necessarily their job role within the school, but a permission access privilege: Admin, Student Support, Teacher, Specialist, Limited Specialist, and Limited Team Member. These roles refer to six different levels of permission depending on the access role. Within those roles, a school has flexibility to determine what level of access a given person should have in the system based on their role. An Intellispark Admin has access to all settings. This role is a super user with all privileges and setting access and tends to include the principal and lead implementers of the program. The Student Support role tends to include assistant principals, counselors, and social workers who should have a lot of access, but do not need to be an Admin. Teachers correlate directly to classroom teachers. Specialist, limited specialist and limited team member are additional buckets to allow someone who works with a sub-segment of students to have access to see information with a limit on what they can view or do. We envision schools inviting community support people, e.g. an agency person who works with students, to have limited access.