Check-ins and surveys

Intellispark Pro includes four short check-ins or surveys for students, each of which takes between 5 to 10 minutes for a student to complete:

These check-ins provide a quick and practical way to gather holistic pieces of information that are useful in monitoring and making sense of a student or group of students and getting them the support they need. They're short to make them easy to administer on a recurring basis. They can help provide a broad sense of what proportion of a group of students may be struggling with particular issues at a point in time, which can inform small but useful changes in universal practices such as classroom rituals and routines that may improve a student's sense of belonging.

These check-ins are based on a review of current educational research, but are not intended to provide precise measurements or support high-stakes decisions. They incorporate concepts that are difficult to measure and that are not likely to be stable longitudinally or in different environments.