Make it easy for staff and students to access Intellispark by configuring single sign-on
Single sign-on allows students and educators to access their Intellispark accounts without the need for a separate user name and password. Intellispark supports single sign-on with Google and Clever.
If your school or organization has configured Google or Clever SSO, users can click the appropriate button on the Intellispark sign in page to access Intellispark with the user name and password they use to access other systems. If the user is not already sign-in using the SSO provider they selected, they'll be prompted to enter their Google or Clever user name and password.
If your school or organization is not using Google or Clever SSO, staff and students will create Intellispark accounts by clicking a link in an invitation they receive in email.
Google and Clever SSO options are displayed on the Intellispark sign-in page by default, along with the option to sign in with a dedicated Intellispark user name and password. A site administrator can require SSO (and disable the ability for users to create a separate Intellispark user name and password) by choosing SSO from the Settings menu (i.e., the gear icon in the Intellispark navigation bar).