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Control access to sensitive information and features with highly-configurable permissions

Permissions settings can only be accessed by a designated user with Intellispark administrative privileges. To configure Permissions, click the gear icon at the top-right of the screen and then choose Permissions.

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Although Intellispark includes several pre-defined roles and permissions, each site administrator should review and modify the settings to accommodate your school or organization's policies.

When configuring permissions, two settings are particularly critical:

  • View anything marked sensitive — One key decision is identifying which roles can view items marked as sensitive. A number of features in Intellispark can include information that is identified as sensitive. This gives an additional layer of control where some Tags, Flags or Notes may be marked sensitive and, consequently, a smaller circle of people is granted restricted access.
  • View any student (vs. only assigned) — It is important determine which roles should be able to view any student in your organization's account vs. only assigned students. In a school, typically a principal, an assistant principal, an academic dean, and the head of a Student Support Team would have the ability to see the details for any student while teachers or counselors are often given access specifically to the students they teach or counsel. Without permission to view any student, staff members can see a student in Intellispark only if they are added as team members on the Student Hub.

Permissions settings can be adjusted at any time by a site administrator.