A template for communicating with families about the ScholarCentric resiliency curriculum.
To help you introduce ScholarCentric to your school or district community, we've prepared a template below that you may find helpful in crafting an e-mail or letter to families.
Dear [ Tiger Families ]:
It has been an extremely busy year at [ North Middle School ]. As you know, schools are under pressure from national, state, and local levels to show that our students are learning. I am writing to let you know about a new exciting curriculum that we will be piloting [ this Spring ] — ScholarCentric.
The ScholarCentric curriculum has been in development for more than 10 years and offers scientifically proven methods for helping students become more invested in being successful in school. ScholarCentric works in the classroom by helping students define the challenges they face in performing their best, and helping students establish stronger relationships with their teachers and peers.
ScholarCentric will be used with some of the [ 9th grade students this Spring ]. As part of the curriculum, students will complete a survey about a number of success indicators and the results of it will be given to the students participating in the classroom curriculum. As a school, we will use the information from the survey to continue looking for new ways to meet the needs of all of our high school students.
Warmest regards,